If New tweet by specific user @barts_future, then Send an SMS to
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Other popular ChatGPT workflows and automations
If New tweet by specific user @whalewatchalert, then quick add event to kaizenagentai@gmail.com
Automatically generate ChatGPT response to emails when you tag them #ChatGPT
Example AI Calendar blocking Applet
Get a Weekly Healthy Meal Plan Delivered to Your Email by ChatGPT
Ask ChatGPT any question
Receive ChatGPT responses via SMS when you ask a question on your mobile note widget
Create a Calendar event a save booking information to a Google Doc
Automatically tweet AI-tailored Instagram post to Twitter by using ChatGPT
Useful ChatGPT and Up First Podcast integrations
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
ChatGPT and Up First Podcast resources
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