Log new diabetes clinical trials to a Google spreadsheet
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Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
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Triggers (If this)
New diabetes clinical trial
This trigger fires each time a diabetes clinical trial has been added or modified in the last 14 days.
Robot Started
This trigger fire when your robot starts a job
New cancer clinical trial
This trigger fires every time there is a new clinical trial on cancer.
Robot Stopped
This trigger fires when your robot stops a job
New asthma clinical trial
This trigger fires every time a clinical trial on asthma is added or modified in the last 14 days.

New diabetes clinical trial
This trigger fires each time a diabetes clinical trial has been added or modified in the last 14 days.

Robot Started
This trigger fire when your robot starts a job

New cancer clinical trial
This trigger fires every time there is a new clinical trial on cancer.

Robot Stopped
This trigger fires when your robot stops a job

New asthma clinical trial
This trigger fires every time a clinical trial on asthma is added or modified in the last 14 days.
Queries (With)
History of cancer clinical trials
This query returns a list of every time there is a new clinical trial on cancer.
Robot Online
This query returns the online status of your robot.
History of diabetes clinical trials
This query returns a list of each time a diabetes clinical trial has been added or modified in the last 14 days.
Robot Status
This query returns the current status of your robot.
History of asthma clinical trials
This query returns a list of every time a clinical trial on asthma is added or modified in the last 14 days.

History of cancer clinical trials
This query returns a list of every time there is a new clinical trial on cancer.

Robot Online
This query returns the online status of your robot.

History of diabetes clinical trials
This query returns a list of each time a diabetes clinical trial has been added or modified in the last 14 days.

Robot Status
This query returns the current status of your robot.

History of asthma clinical trials
This query returns a list of every time a clinical trial on asthma is added or modified in the last 14 days.
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