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Run my Nexia automation whenever my child arrives at home
Useful dondeEsta Family and Rust integrations
Triggers (If this)
A smart alarm was triggered
This trigger fires when one of your Smart Alarms is triggered in Rust.
My kid arrives at home
This Trigger fires every time your kid arrives at home.
A smart alarm was triggered with a specific keyword
This trigger fires when a Smart Alarm is triggered in Rust and has a specific keyword in either its title or body text.
My kid leaves home
This Trigger fires every time your kid leaves home.
You were killed
This trigger fires when you were killed in Rust while you were not playing the game.
My kid arrives at school
This Trigger fires every time your kid arrives at school.
You were killed by another player
This trigger fires when you were killed by another player while you were not playing the game.
My kid leaves school
This Trigger fires every time your kid leaves school.
A teammate comes online
This trigger fires when one of your teammates comes online on one of your Rust servers.
My kid presses the panic button
This Trigger fires every time your kid presses the panic button.
Queries (With)
Get notification history
This query returns notifications that you have received from Rust.
History of my kid leaving school
This query returns a list of when your kid left school.
Actions (Then that)
Send "I'm OK" message to entire family
This Action will send an "I'm OK" message to the entire family through a notification.
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