Add new visitors to a list on SurveyMonkey
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Other popular Envoy workflows and automations
If visitor is pre-registered in Envoy, then add reminder to list.
When a visitor checks in on Envoy, share a voice message with my Orion Group
Notify Orion team when Envoy user has completed Health Screening
Save new visitor contact information in Google Contacts
Useful Envoy and Wemo Air Purifier integrations
Triggers (If this)
Air quality changed
This Trigger fires every time your air purifier registers an air quality you specify (poor, moderate, good).
Visitor is pre-registered
This Trigger fires every time a visitor is pre-registered.
Fan mode changed
This Trigger fires every time your air purifier is changed to your specified fan mode (Auto, High, Medium, Low, Off).
Visitor finishes signing in
This Trigger fires every time a visitor finishes signing in.
Filter life drops below threshold
This Trigger fires every time the filter life of your air purifier drops below your specified filter life percentage.
Visitor signs out
This Trigger fires every time a visitor signs out.

Air quality changed
This Trigger fires every time your air purifier registers an air quality you specify (poor, moderate, good).

Visitor is pre-registered
This Trigger fires every time a visitor is pre-registered.

Fan mode changed
This Trigger fires every time your air purifier is changed to your specified fan mode (Auto, High, Medium, Low, Off).

Visitor finishes signing in
This Trigger fires every time a visitor finishes signing in.

Filter life drops below threshold
This Trigger fires every time the filter life of your air purifier drops below your specified filter life percentage.

Visitor signs out
This Trigger fires every time a visitor signs out.
Queries (With)
History of filter life drops below threshold
This query returns a list of when the filter life of your air purifier drops below your specified filter life percentage. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of air quality changed
This query returns a list of when your air purifier registers an air quality you specify (poor, moderate, good).

History of filter life drops below threshold
This query returns a list of when the filter life of your air purifier drops below your specified filter life percentage. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.

History of air quality changed
This query returns a list of when your air purifier registers an air quality you specify (poor, moderate, good).
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