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Invoxia Triby
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Other popular Evernote workflows and automations
YT to Evernote
Evernote To Do from email
Back up your Facebook status updates to Evernote
Evernote Todo's create a Todoist Task
Log works hours in an Evernote note
Automatically save links to your new Pocket favorites in Evernote
Add a task to Todoist Inbox for every note tagged with "Todoist" in Evernote
Save New contacts to Evernote
Create a bibliography of articles archived from Pocket in Evernote.
Useful Evernote and Invoxia Triby integrations
Triggers (If this)
New note in a notebook
This Trigger fires every time you create a new note in a specific notebook.
On button pressed
This trigger fires when you press a given button on your Triby IO.
Add a specific tag to note
This Trigger fires every time you add a specific tag to any of your notes.
Actions (Then that)
Send a message to specified Triby IO
This Action will send a given message to a Triby IO you specify.
Create a note
This Action will create a new note in the notebook you specify.
Send a message to every Triby IO
This Action will send a given message to a every Triby IO you own.
Append to note
This Action will append to a note as determined by its title and notebook. Once a note’s size reaches 2MB a new note will be created.
Send an image to specified Triby IO
This action will send an image to a Triby IO you specify.
Append a to-do to note
This Action will append a to-do checkbox to a note as determined by its title and notebook. Once a note’s size reaches 2MB a new note will be created.
Send an image to every Triby IO
This action will send an image to every Triby IO you own.
Create a link note
This Action will create a new link note from a source URL in the notebook you specify.
Start a timer on specified Triby IO
This action will start a timer for a given duration on a Triby IO you specify.
Create image note from URL
This Action will create a new note with an image attachment in the notebook you specify.
Play preset media on specified Triby IO
This action will play a media among those already preset on a button, on a Triby IO you specify.
Create an audio note from URL
This Action will create a new note with an audio attachment in the notebook you specify.
Play media URL on specified Triby IO
This action will play a provided media URL, on a Triby IO you specify.
Stop playing media on specified Triby IO
This action will stop all playing media, on a Triby IO you specify.
Start a call from specified Triby IO
This action will make a call to a given user in your group, from a Triby IO you specify.
Start an intercom call from specified Triby IO
This action will make an intercom call to an other Triby of your group, from a Triby IO you specify.
[Advanced] Execute a script on specified Triby IO
This action will execute a script on a Triby IO you specify (advanced use, read the documentation available at www.invoxia.com/developers for more information).
Send a silent message to specified Triby IO
This Action will send a silent message to a Triby IO you specify.
Send a silent message to every Triby IO
This Action will send a silent message to every Triby IO in your group.
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