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Finder Yesly
WeMo Maker
and unlock powerful automations
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Other popular Finder Yesly workflows and automations
Lower the Blinds When the Temperature Rises
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Geo-Activated Lighting
Auto Light Off on Exit
Execute a "Goodnight" Scenario with One Tap
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Automatically Turn On the Lights at Sunset
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Instant Blind Control
Light Up Arrival
Instant Light Activation
Open the Blinds in the Morning for a Natural Wake-up
Finder Yesly
Useful Finder Yesly and WeMo Maker integrations
Triggers (If this)
Relay on
This Trigger fires every time your WeMo Maker relay is turned on in toggle mode.
Relay off
This Trigger fires every time your WeMo Maker relay is turned off in toggle mode.
Momentary on
This Trigger fires every time your WeMo Maker relay is turned on in momentary mode.
Sensor triggered
This Trigger fires every time a signal is detected from your sensor. NOTE: The sensor must be enabled in your Maker's settings.
Sensor not triggered
This Trigger fires every time a signal is not detected from your sensor. NOTE: The sensor must be enabled in your Maker's settings.
Queries (With)
History of being turned on in momentary mode
This query returns a list of when your WeMo Maker relay was turned on in momentary mode.
History of times a signal was not detected by an enabled sensor
This query returns a list of times a signal was not detected by an enabled sensor.
History of times a signal was detected by an enabled sensor
This query returns a list of times a signal was detected by an enabled sensor.
History of relay offs
This query returns a list of when your WeMo Maker relay was turned off in toggle mode.
History of relay ons
This query returns a list of when your WeMo Maker relay was turned on in toggle mode.
Actions (Then that)
Turn relay on
This Action will turn your WeMo Maker on. If the WeMo Maker is already on, it will remain on.
Turn on
This action will turn on the selected light
Turn relay off
This Action will turn a WeMo Maker off. If the WeMo Maker is already off, it will remain off.
Turn off
This action will turn off the selected light.
Toggle relay
This Action will toggle a Wemo Maker if it is in toggle mode. If the relay is on, it will be turned off and vice versa.
Set brightness
This action will set brightness on selected device.
Turn relay off then on
This Action will turn a Wemo Maker off then on. If the WeMo Maker is already off, it will remain off.
This action will execute the selected scenario.
Turn relay on then off
This Action will turn a WeMo Maker on then off. If the WeMo Maker is already on, it will be turned off after 2 seconds.
Pull up
This action will pull up the selected blind.
Turn relay on momentarily
This Action will turn a WeMo Maker on for 300 milliseconds. Note: WeMo Maker must be in 'Momentary' mode for this action to work.
Pull down
This action will pull down the selected blind.
Turn relay on momentarily multiple times
This Action will turn a WeMo Maker on for 300 milliseconds as many times as you set. Note: The WeMo Maker must be in 'Momentary' mode for this Action to work.
Turn relay on then off multiple times
This Action will turn relay on then off as many times as you set. Note: The WeMo Maker must be in 'Toggle' mode for this Action to work.
Turn relay off then on multiple times
This Action will turn relay off then on as many times as you set. Note: The WeMo Maker must be in 'Toggle' mode for this Action to work.
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