When a new Tweet is posted, share message to GroupMe
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular GroupMe workflows and automations
Out Office
Revo IG Publishing
Post to GroupMe when Clash of Clans is under Maintenance
Share NAACP news to GroupMe
Publish #Periscope to GroupMe
Post #weather forecast to #groupme once per day.
Schedule a GroupMe message
Twitter Post to Groupme Group
Useful GroupMe and Threads integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new post by you
This trigger fires when you post any new post on Threads.
New text post by you
This trigger fires when you post a new text post on Threads.
New image post by you
This trigger fires when you post a new image post on Threads.
New video post by you
This triggers fire when you post a new video post.
New carousel post by you
This triggers fire when you post a new carousel (multiple media) post.

Any new post by you
This trigger fires when you post any new post on Threads.

New text post by you
This trigger fires when you post a new text post on Threads.

New image post by you
This trigger fires when you post a new image post on Threads.

New video post by you
This triggers fire when you post a new video post.

New carousel post by you
This triggers fire when you post a new carousel (multiple media) post.
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Create a text post
This action will create a text post on Threads.
Post a message to group
This Action will post a new message to the group you specify.
Create a link post
This action will create a link post on Threads.
Create an image post
This action will create an image post on Threads.
Create a video post
This action will create a video post on Threads.
Create a carousel (multiple media) post
This action will create a carousel (multiple media) post on Threads. At least two items are required in the carousel.

Create a text post
This action will create a text post on Threads.

Post a message to group
This Action will post a new message to the group you specify.

Create a link post
This action will create a link post on Threads.

Create an image post
This action will create an image post on Threads.

Create a video post
This action will create a video post on Threads.

Create a carousel (multiple media) post
This action will create a carousel (multiple media) post on Threads. At least two items are required in the carousel.
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