Automatically create Google Calendar events for new Todoist tasks
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Other popular Jira workflows and automations
Create Jira issues from new Google Sheets rows
If New task created in Todoist, then create a new Jira issue
Create new Jira issues from new Google Forms responses
Add new Asana tasks in projects to create Jira issues
If New message to @IFTTT with 'jiraissue', then create a new issue
Create Jira issues from Telegram messages containing key phrase
If an issue is updated in Studio Providers, then post a message to a channel
New Google task -> new JIRA recordatorio
Useful Jira and National Science Foundation integrations
Triggers (If this)
News from the National Science Foundation
This trigger fires when there's news posted from the National Science Foundation.
New issue
This trigger fires when a new issue is created.
New discoveries
This trigger fires every time the National Science Foundation posts a new discovery.
Issue updated
This trigger fires when an issue is updated.
New "The Discovery Files" podcast
This trigger fires every time a new "Discovery Files" episode is published.

News from the National Science Foundation
This trigger fires when there's news posted from the National Science Foundation.

New issue
This trigger fires when a new issue is created.

New discoveries
This trigger fires every time the National Science Foundation posts a new discovery.

Issue updated
This trigger fires when an issue is updated.

New "The Discovery Files" podcast
This trigger fires every time a new "Discovery Files" episode is published.
Queries (With)
History of discoveries
This query returns a list of every time the National Science Foundation posts a new discovery.
History of The Discovery Files podcasts
This query returns a list of every time a new Discovery Files episode is published.
History of news from the National Science Foundation
This query returns a list of when there's news posted from the National Science Foundation.

History of discoveries
This query returns a list of every time the National Science Foundation posts a new discovery.

History of The Discovery Files podcasts
This query returns a list of every time a new Discovery Files episode is published.

History of news from the National Science Foundation
This query returns a list of when there's news posted from the National Science Foundation.
Actions (Then that)
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