If an issue is updated in Studio Providers, then post a message to a channel
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular Jira workflows and automations
Post to a Discord channel for new Jira issues
Add new row to Google Sheets for new issues created in Jira
Trigger a command on new Jira issues
Create new ClickUp tasks from Jira issues
Post to a Discord channel for updated Jira issues
Create new Jira issues from new Google Forms responses
Create Jira issues from new Typeform entries
New Google task -> new JIRA recordatorio
Useful Jira and WIRED integrations
Triggers (If this)
New post on WIRED in "Top Stories"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on WIRED in "Top Stories"
New issue
This trigger fires when a new issue is created.
New post on WIRED in "Business"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on WIRED in "Business"
Issue updated
This trigger fires when an issue is updated.
New post on WIRED in "Artificial Intelligence"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on WIRED in "Artificial Intelligence"
New post on WIRED in "Culture"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on WIRED in "Culture"
New post on WIRED in "Gear"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on WIRED in "Gear"
New post on WIRED in "Ideas"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on WIRED in "Ideas"
New post on WIRED in "Science"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on WIRED in "Science"
New post on WIRED in "Security"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on WIRED in "Security"

New post on WIRED in "Top Stories"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on WIRED in "Top Stories"

New issue
This trigger fires when a new issue is created.

New post on WIRED in "Business"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on WIRED in "Business"

Issue updated
This trigger fires when an issue is updated.

New post on WIRED in "Artificial Intelligence"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on WIRED in "Artificial Intelligence"

New post on WIRED in "Culture"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on WIRED in "Culture"

New post on WIRED in "Gear"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on WIRED in "Gear"

New post on WIRED in "Ideas"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on WIRED in "Ideas"

New post on WIRED in "Science"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on WIRED in "Science"

New post on WIRED in "Security"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post on WIRED in "Security"
Actions (Then that)
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