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Kurator by Optimal Access
Lightform Cloud
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Actions (Then that)
Turn projector off
This action will turn off the projector attached to the LF device, if supported.
New like
This action will save the liked post to Kurator.
Turn projector on
This action will turn on the projector attached to the LF device, if supported.
Pause project
This action will pause a currently playing project.
Stop project
This action will stop a currently playing project and return to the testcard.
Go to next slide
This action will advance to the next slide in the project, or go to the first slide if the final slide is currently playing.
Set parameter value
This action will update a slide parameter value
Go to previous slide
This action will go to the to the previous slide in the project, or go to the last slide if the first slide is currently playing.
This action will reboot the device.
Play project
This action will resume a currently playing project.
Set slide index
This action will start playing the slide at the given index
Set projector brightness
This action will change the global brightness of the projection
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