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Quickly connect Netatmo Weather Station to WeMo Coffeemaker
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Netatmo Weather Station
WeMo Coffeemaker
and unlock powerful automations
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Useful Netatmo Weather Station and WeMo Coffeemaker integrations
Triggers (If this)
Air pressure rises above
This Trigger fires every time the ambient air pressure rises above a value you specify.
Water filter needs to be replaced
This Trigger fires every time your coffeemaker’s water filter needs to be replaced.
Air pressure drops below
This Trigger fires every time the ambient air pressure drops below a value you specify.
Cleaning cycle required
This Trigger fires every time your coffeemaker needs to run a cleaning cycle.
Carbon dioxide rises above
This Trigger fires every time the carbon dioxide rises above a value you specify.
Coffeemaker Not Ready Mode activated at selected time
This Trigger fires every time your coffeemaker is Not Ready Mode (Refill, Place Carafe or Refill Water modes) is activated at your selected time.
Carbon dioxide drops below
This Trigger fires every time the carbon dioxide drops below a value you specify.
Humidity rises above
This Trigger fires every time the humidity rises above a percentage you specify.
Humidity drops below
This Trigger fires every time the humidity drops below a percentage you specify.
Noise level rises above
This Trigger fires every time the noise rises above a decibel value you specify.
Noise level drops below
This Trigger fires every time the noise drops below a decibel value you specify.
Temperature rises above
This Trigger fires every time the temperature rises above a value you specify.
Temperature drops below
This Trigger fires every time the temperature drops below a value you specify.
Rain detected
This Trigger fires every time your Netatmo Rain Gauge detects that it is raining.
Rain no longer detected
This Trigger fires every time your Netatmo Rain Gauge detects that it is no longer raining.
Today's rainfall measurement
This Trigger fires every day with the Netatmo Rain Gauge's rainfall measurement.
Yesterday's rainfall measurement
This Trigger fires every day with yesterday's rainfall measurement.
Wind speed drops below
This Trigger fires every time the wind speed drops below a value you specify.
Wind speed rises above
This Trigger fires every time the wind speed rises above a value you specify.
Gust speed rises above
This Trigger fires ever time the gust speed rises above a value you specify.
Queries (With)
History of Air pressure rose above threshold alerts
This query returns a list of times when the ambient air pressure rose above a value you specified. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of coffeemaker Not Ready Mode activated at selected time
This query returns a list of when your coffeemaker was in Not Ready Mode.
History of times wind speed was faster than the threshold value you specified
This query returns a list of when the wind speed rose above the threshold value you specified. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of water filter replacement events
This query returns a list of times that your coffeemaker’s water filter needs to be replaced.
History of Gust speed exceeded threshold
This query returns a list of times when the gust speed rose above a value you specified. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of cleaning cycle required
This query returns a list of when your coffeemaker needs to run a cleaning cycle.
History of Rain Stopped
This query returns a list of events when your Netatmo Rain Gauge detected that it was no longer raining.
History of humidity drops below
This query returns a list of when the humidity drops below a percentage you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of today's rainfall measurement
This query returns a list of every day with the Netatmo Rain Gauge's rainfall measurement.
History of carbon dioxide drops below
This query returns a list of when the carbon dioxide drops below a value you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of humidity rises above
This query returns a list of when the humidity rises above a percentage you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of rainfall measurements
This query returns a list of past daily rainfall measurements.
History of noise level rises above
This query returns a list of when the noise rises above a decibel value you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of rain detected
This query returns a list of when your Netatmo Rain Gauge detects that it was raining.
History of temperature drops below
This query returns a list of when the temperature drops below a value you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of temperature rises above
This query returns a list of when the temperature rises above a value you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of Carbon dioxide rising above threshold
This query returns a list of when the carbon dioxide rose above a value you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
Actions (Then that)
Brew coffee
This Action will start a brew cycle with your coffeemaker.
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