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Other popular PagerDuty workflows and automations
Call to remind me that I'm on call with PagerDuty
Post a PagerDuty Incident Alert in Slack
Check your PagerDuty notifications when your oncall shift starts
Log New Incidents Assigned to You in Google Sheets
Get a Slack Notification When Your On-Call Shift Starts
Get a Push Notification When Your On-Call Shift Starts
Update Incident Status When a New Task Is Created in ClickUp
Create a task in Todoist when a new PagerDuty incident is assigned to you
Get a Daily Summary of Open Incidents via Email
Useful PagerDuty and Stockimo integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new photo uploaded by you
This Trigger fires every time you upload a photo to Stockimo.
New oncall shift starts for me
Fires when a new oncall shift starts for the current user.
Any live news photo uploaded by you
This Trigger fires every time you upload a live news photo to Stockimo.
New incident assigned to me
Fires when a new incident gets assigned to the current user.
New photo by you is accepted
This Trigger fires every time a photo uploaded by you is accepted by Stockimo.
New photo by you is rejected
This Trigger fires every time a photo uploaded by you is rejected by Stockimo.
New photo by you is sold
This Trigger fires every time a photo uploaded by you is sold on Stockimo.
Payment is credited to you
This Trigger fires every time a new payment is credited to you on Stockimo
Queries (With)
History of photos by you rejected
This query returns a list of every time a photo uploaded by you is rejected by Stockimo.
List incidents
Returns a list of incidents.
History of live news photos uploaded by you
This query returns a list of every time you upload a live news photo to Stockimo.
History of photos by you accepted
This query returns a list of every time a photo uploaded by you is accepted by Stockimo.
History of photos uploaded by you
This query returns a list of every time you upload a photo to Stockimo.
History of photos by you sold
This query returns a list of every time a photo uploaded by you is sold on Stockimo.
Actions (Then that)
Update incident status
This action will update the status of an incident.
Upload a photo
This Action will upload a new photograph to your Stockimo collection from the .jpg or .jpeg URL specified. NOTE: Only .jpg or .jpeg file extensions allowed
Create a new incident
This action will create a new incident in PagerDuty.
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