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Quickly connect SkyBell Gen5 to WeMo Light Switch
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SkyBell Gen5
WeMo Light Switch
and unlock powerful automations
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Other popular SkyBell Gen5 workflows and automations
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Useful SkyBell Gen5 and WeMo Light Switch integrations
Triggers (If this)
Switched on
This Trigger fires every time your WeMo Light Switch is turned on.
Button Pressed
This trigger fires when your SkyBell doorbell button is pressed.
Switched off
This Trigger fires every time your WeMo Light Switch is turned off.
Motion Detected
This trigger fires when your SkyBell detects motion according to the rules you have set up in the SkyBell app.
Long press
This Trigger fires every time your WeMo Light Switch is turned on or off with a long press over two seconds.
Queries (With)
History of long presses
This query returns a list instances of when your WeMo Light Switch was turned on or off with a long press over two seconds.
History of WeMo Light Switch is turned off
This query returns a list of when your WeMo Light Switch was turned off.
History of switched on
This query returns a list of when your WeMo Light Switch was turned on.
Actions (Then that)
Turn on
This Action will turn a WeMo Light Switch on. If the WeMo Switch is already on, it will remain on.
Set LED Color
Change the LED color and intensity of your SkyBell doorbell.
Turn off
This Action will turn a WeMo Light Switch off. If the WeMo Switch is already off, it will remain off.
Disable Indoor Chime
This action will turn off any internally wired doorbell chime connected to your SkyBell doorbell.
Turn on then off
This Action will turn a WeMo Light Switch on then immediately back off.
Enable Indoor Chime
This action will turn on any internally wired doorbell chime connected to your SkyBell doorbell.
Turn off then on
This Action will turn a WeMo Light Switch off then immediately back on.
Ring the doorbell
Have your SkyBell device ring as if motion was detected, or a button was pressed.
Toggle on/off
This Action will toggle a WeMo Light Switch on or off.
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