Send me an email when there is a new alert from US-CERT
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Other popular US-CERT workflows and automations
Send an email with the latest alerts from US-CERT
Create a new Trello card for the latest alerts from US-CERT
Log the latest alerts from the US-CERT to a Google spreadsheet
Post alerts from US-CERT to Slack
Send me a notification when there is a new alert from US-CERT
Useful US-CERT and Withings Home integrations
Triggers (If this)
Motion has been detected
This Trigger fires every time your Withings Home detects motion.
New alert
This trigger fires whenever there is a new alert from US Computer Emergency Readiness Team.
Noise has been detected
This Trigger fires every time your Withings Home detects noise.
An air quality alert has been raised
This Trigger fires every time an air quality alert is raised by your Withings Home.
Your Withings Home goes offline
This Trigger fires every time your Withings Home gets disconnected from the internet or is unplugged from the power outlet.

Motion has been detected
This Trigger fires every time your Withings Home detects motion.

New alert
This trigger fires whenever there is a new alert from US Computer Emergency Readiness Team.

Noise has been detected
This Trigger fires every time your Withings Home detects noise.

An air quality alert has been raised
This Trigger fires every time an air quality alert is raised by your Withings Home.

Your Withings Home goes offline
This Trigger fires every time your Withings Home gets disconnected from the internet or is unplugged from the power outlet.
Queries (With)
History of when an air quality alert has been raised
This query returns a list of when an air quality alert was raised by your Withings Home.
History of alerts
This query returns a list of whenever there is a new alert from US Computer Emergency Readiness Team.
History of times your Withings Home was offline
This query returns a list of when your Withings Home was offline.

History of when an air quality alert has been raised
This query returns a list of when an air quality alert was raised by your Withings Home.

History of alerts
This query returns a list of whenever there is a new alert from US Computer Emergency Readiness Team.

History of times your Withings Home was offline
This query returns a list of when your Withings Home was offline.
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