
Students get 90% off IFTTT

By The IFTTT Team

May 28, 2024

Students get 90% off IFTTT
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To celebrate falling into a new school year, we are extending an exclusive offer for students. Get 90% off your first year of Pro+ (yeah, you read that right).

We know that IFTTT is a staple for many students. They use it to integrate the services in their lives and optimize their productivity. Busy university students who are juggling the demands of their studies, extracurricular activities, jobs, and social lives all need a few extra hours in their day.

Automate your work, your studies, your side hustle, and the extracurricular groups that you manage so you have more time to prioritize what matters to you.

Start your trial and get a year of Pro+ for our lowest price!

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Most popular automations for students

Increase your productivity, automate daily tasks, and get more organized with our top Applets. Students love using our AI tools to summarize their notes, help them create outlines for presentations, and as an easy way to brainstorm ideas for your next project.

Top services for students

Explore the most popular services in productivity, smart home, business, and communication.

Explore our mobile integrations

Unlike other automation tools, we integrate fully with Android and iOS devices and offer mobile-exclusive services. Not only can you streamline your mobile workflows and get notifications right to your smartphone, you can make notes and take photos that upload directly to the right place or start any automation with our widgets.

Further, you can use your location to turn on the lights when you get home or lock your door when you leave. Shared location capabilities can improve your communication with roommates or let you know when everyone gets home safe!

Start your year of Pro+ for less

Get your first year of Pro+ for 90% off when you sign up for IFTTT with your university domain email (applicable for students in the UK, US, and Canada). If you are outside these regions and are interested in the program, please click here.

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