This trigger fires when you create a new habit note.
- API endpoint slug
- habitify.new_note
Trigger fields
- Label
- Habit
- Slug
- habit_id
- Required
- true
- Can have default value
- false
- Slug
- habit_name
- Filter code
- Habitify.newNote.HabitName
- Type
- String
- Example
- Run
- Slug
- date
- Filter code
- Habitify.newNote.Date
- Type
- Date with time (ISO8601)
- Example
- 2020-07-08T04:17:06+05:00
- Slug
- note_image_url
- Filter code
- Habitify.newNote.NoteImageUrl
- Type
- String
- Example
- Slug
- note_content
- Filter code
- Habitify.newNote.NoteContent
- Type
- String
- Example
- I read a little bit about implementation intention in Atomic Habits on my Kindle