Create weekly recurring tasks in MeisterTask
Popular MeisterTask workflows & automations
If a specific tag is added to a note, create a new MeisterTask task
Create a new task in a MeisterTask project
MeisterTask to Reminders
Add voice reminder from siri ios to meister task.
MeisterTask to Evernote
MeisterTask to Todoist
Automatically create a MeisterTask task when a new event is added to your Google Calendar
Turn GitHub issues assigned to you into MeisterTask tasks
Create a MeisterTask task when a Google Calendar event starts
Automatically create follow-up tasks for tasks that are created in a specific MeisterTask project
Create a MeisterTask task when a Google Calendar event starts that includes a specific keyword
Evernote to MeisterTask
Automatically creates a MeisterTask task within 15 minutes of an Office 365 Calendar event starting
Repeating Annual MeisterTask
If MeisterTask assigned to me, then create a task in MS To Do
Create a new MeisterTask for all new leads from Google Ads
Create a MeisterTask for all new episodes of "The Real Python Podcast"
Create a MeisterTask for all new episodes of the "CodeNewbie" Podcast
Create a MeisterTask for all new episodes of the "Accidental Tech Podcast"
Create a MeisterTask for all new episodes of the "Simple Programmer" Podcast
Create a MeisterTask for all new episodes of the "Talk Python To Me" Podcast
팀원1-진행 중
Task created in section This Trigger fires when a new task is created in the specified section. Please note that this Trigger does not fire when a task is moved from a different section.
Task created in project This Trigger fires when a new task is created in the specified project. Please note that this Trigger does not fire when a task is moved from a different project.
Task assigned to me This Trigger fires when a task is assigned to you.
History of task created in project This query returns a list of when a new task was created in the specified project.
History if instances when a task was assinged to me This query returns a list of instances when a task was assigned to you.