Refunds over $____ send an email to any address you choose
square’s Applets
Receive an IF Notification for new Square settlements
Payments over $____ send an email to any address you choose
New settlements create notes on Evernote
New payments create new notes on Evernote
Refunds over $_____ create a notes on Evernote
Payments over $____ post a celebratory message to a group on GroupMe
Refunds post to a group on GroupMe
Share payments with a group on GroupMe
Sunday digest of the week's refunds made via Square
Add new Square payments to a spreadsheet
Any new refund made via Square adds a row to a spreadsheet
Settlements made via Square add a row to a spreadsheet
Sunday digest of the week's settlements
Sunday digest of the week's payments accepted via Square
Receive a notification for refunds over $____
Payments on Square over $____ send you a notification on iOS
A daily digest of the today's settlements
Payments over $____ send you a notification on Android
Refunds over $____ send you a notification on Android
A daily digest of the today's payments accepted via Square
Any new payment accepted via Square sends you an email
A daily digest of today's refunds made via Square
Any new refund made via Square sends you an email
Any new settlement made via Square sends you an email
Payments over $____ accepted via Square send you an email
Refunds over $____ made via Square sends you an email