Get notified when you receive a new email that matches the search criteria
Popular Zoho Mail (India) workflows & automations
Quickly Email yourself a note
Get weather forecast for the day by email
Send a copy of an SMS to your Zoho Mail account
Share your current location with a friend via Zoho Mail
Stay on top of a specific user's Tweets
Create a Trello card when a new email matches the search criteria
Send an email from Zoho Mail when a new task is added in Todoist
Send yourself an email when you add a new Google contact
Send yourself an email when you add a new iOS contact
Create a Google task when a new email matches the search criteria
Post to Slack channel when a new email matches the search criteria
New Mail Received This trigger fires on the reception of a new mail
New mail received with criteria This trigger fires when you receive mail that satisfies the trigger fields