Power Down Display
Popular Pixoo-16 workflows & automations
Smart Screen Activator
Streamer Clock Switcher
When alarm sets off on my Pixoo-16, send a notification on IFTTT app
When alarm sets off on my Pixoo-16, send me an email
When an alarm set off on my Pixoo-16, send yourself a Gmail email
When the countdown meter ends on my Pixoo-16, send me a notification on IFTTT app
When the countdown meter ends on my Pixoo-16, send me an email
When countdown meter ends on Pixoo-16, Send yourself an email on Gmail
When planner alert stops on Pixoo-16, send me a notification on IFTTT app
When planner alert sets off on my Pixoo-16, send me an email
When planner alert sets off on my Pixoo-16, then add a row in my Google sheets
When planner alert stops on my Pixoo-16, send me an email
When celebration alert sets off on my Pixoo-16, add a row in google sheets
Alarm set off This trigger fires when a alarm is started on pixoo-16.
Countdown meter ended The down clock is finished on pixoo-16.
Celebrations alert set off Memorial start on pixoo-16.
Celebrations alert stopped This trigger fires when memorial stop on pixoo-16.
Planner alert set off This trigger fires when schedule time start on pixoo-16.
Planner alert stopped This trigger fires when schedule time stop on pixoo-16.
Start countdown meter This action will start down clock on pixoo-16.
Start stopwatch This action will start timer on pixoo-16.
Turn on screen This action will open screen on device.
Turn off screen This action will close screen on device.
Play cloud channel This action will play cloud channel on Pixoo-16.
Play custom channel This action will play custom channel on pixoo-16.
Play animation This action will play gif on Pixoo-16.
Display message This action will display message on device.
Switch clock interface This action will choose clock on Pixoo-16.
Display Amazon Music This action is associated with Amazon Music and triggers the display of play information when Amazon music is played.