If new torrent in TvTorrents RSS download to dropbox


With this recipe you can set a tvtorrents RSS feed to go to a channel simply named 'torrents'. Then when a new show that you have marked favorite posts it will place it in dropbox and you can set Transmission to crawl the folder for new torrents. To only download .mkv shows for example, you would use: http://www.tvtorrents.com/mytaggedRSS?digest="???"&hash="???"&tag=FAVORITE&fname=true&interval=1+week&include=mkv&exclude=mp4&exclude=Indi%7CSeason.*Complete&exclude=avi%7CSeason.*Complete&NO...


Feedly icon
New article from category

This trigger fires every time a new article from a specific category appears on Feedly.


Dropbox icon
Add file from URL

This Action will download a file at a given URL and add it to Dropbox at the path you specify. NOTE: 30 MB file size limit.

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