If an action block with Triger_soundcloud183 is triggered, then send play track request
Popular BotGhost workflows & automations
Free Games to your Discord Server
New YouTube Video by a specific channel triggers a Custom Event
Send a Discord notification when a Google Form is submitted
New Twitch Stream started by you triggers a Custom Event
When a Google Calendar event starts, send it to Discord
New Instragram post by you triggers a Custom Event
New Twitch Stream started by someone you follow triggers a Custom Event
Automatic Alert IGN PC Video Games for your Discord server In specific channel.
New Instragram video by you triggers a Custom Event
Any new Reddit post by you triggers a Custom Event
New tweet (X) by you triggers a Custom Event
If New follower on your channel, then Trigger a custom event with id 1234
If an action block with Team is triggered, then Send message to Private chat with @IFTTT
When a new ESPN posts "NBA" send message to chanenls