Backup Dropbox files to Box
Popular Box workflows & automations
Save new Facebook photos you're tagged in to Box
Upload all your iOS Photos to Box
Any newly added photo added to Box automatically
Record voicemails to Box
Box cloud contacts backup
When I add something to #Pocket, convert with #Readability to #PDF and put it in #Box
Back up my iOS screenshots to Box
#Pocket favourites to #Box in #PDF format
Save new Instagram photos to Box
Upload Android Photos to Box
Save new Facebook photos to Box
backup any tumblr's photo into box media.#tumblr #box
RSS to Box
Upload a map image of your location with a note
Upload any attachment via URL to your BOX drive
Box your Favorite Tweets
Store my Facebook page updates on Box
Uplaod new hot posts to Box
Trello card to append text file in Box
Flickr Photo Boxup
Diigo public bookmark to append text file in Box
Time from to, wDay from to, Box image upload
Saving photos that are posted in Buffer into Box for Sharing
Favorite SoundCloud to Box
aww reddit to box
Auto upload to Box
Facebook Photo
Medium post to Box
Bitly to append text file in Box
Wordpress new post to append text file in Box
Evernote to append text file in Box
If new public video uploaded, then append to a text file in Box
Save my photos and files uploaded through Jotform in Box
Upload file from URL This Action will download a file at a given URL and add it to Box at the path you specify. NOTE: 30 MB file size limit.
Create a text file This Action will create a new text file at the path you specify.
Append to a text file This Action will append to a text file as determined by the file name and folder path you specify. Once a file’s size reaches 2MB a new file will be created.