aww reddit to box
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Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Popular Box and Reddit workflows and automations
Useful Box and Reddit integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new post in subreddit
This Trigger fires every time there is a new post in the subreddit you specify.
New hot post in subreddit
This Trigger fires every time a new post becomes one of the ten hottest posts in the subreddit you specify.
New top post in subreddit
This Trigger fires every time a new post becomes one of the ten top posts in the subreddit you specify.
New post from search
This Trigger fires every time a new post submitted on reddit matches a search query you specify. NOTE: limited to 20 items per check.
New post by you
This Trigger fires every time you submit a new post on reddit.
New comment by you
This Trigger fires every time you save a new comment on reddit.
New upvoted post by you
This Trigger fires every time you upvote a post on reddit.
New downvoted post by you
This Trigger fires every time you downvote a post on reddit.
New post saved by you
This Trigger fires every time you save a post on reddit.

Any new post in subreddit
This Trigger fires every time there is a new post in the subreddit you specify.

New hot post in subreddit
This Trigger fires every time a new post becomes one of the ten hottest posts in the subreddit you specify.

New top post in subreddit
This Trigger fires every time a new post becomes one of the ten top posts in the subreddit you specify.

New post from search
This Trigger fires every time a new post submitted on reddit matches a search query you specify. NOTE: limited to 20 items per check.

New post by you
This Trigger fires every time you submit a new post on reddit.

New comment by you
This Trigger fires every time you save a new comment on reddit.

New upvoted post by you
This Trigger fires every time you upvote a post on reddit.

New downvoted post by you
This Trigger fires every time you downvote a post on reddit.

New post saved by you
This Trigger fires every time you save a post on reddit.
Actions (Then that)
Upload file from URL
This Action will download a file at a given URL and add it to Box at the path you specify. NOTE: 30 MB file size limit.
Submit a new text post
This Action will submit a new text post on reddit. NOTE: reddit karma is required.
Create a text file
This Action will create a new text file at the path you specify.
Submit a new link
This Action will submit a new link on reddit. NOTE: reddit karma is required.
Append to a text file
This Action will append to a text file as determined by the file name and folder path you specify. Once a file’s size reaches 2MB a new file will be created.

Upload file from URL
This Action will download a file at a given URL and add it to Box at the path you specify. NOTE: 30 MB file size limit.

Submit a new text post
This Action will submit a new text post on reddit. NOTE: reddit karma is required.

Create a text file
This Action will create a new text file at the path you specify.

Submit a new link
This Action will submit a new link on reddit. NOTE: reddit karma is required.

Append to a text file
This Action will append to a text file as determined by the file name and folder path you specify. Once a file’s size reaches 2MB a new file will be created.
Box and Reddit resources

How to Build a Reddit RSS Feed with IFTTT
Click to learn how to build and automate the Reddit Rss feed for free. Also learn how to automate it with 1000 services on IFTTT.

What are Webhooks and How Should I Use Them?
Webhooks serve as the basis to many internet processes we know and love. Click to learn all about how to automate and integrate webhooks to improve your daily routines and business needs.

Olympics Applets
With the Paris 2024 Olympics already underway, we have created a collection of Applets to help you keep up with your favorite athletes and track your team’s medal count.
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