Keep a simple spreadsheet of every Tweet you post
Popular Twitter workflows & automations
Automatically save in Pocket the first link in a Tweet you like
Tweet your Instagrams as native photos on Twitter
Share Instagram photos on Twitter only when you include a specific #hashtag in the caption
Tweet your Facebook status updates
Automatically share new links you post on Facebook to Twitter
Automatically save the first link in a Tweet that you like to your Pocket queue
Automatically tweet your new blog posts
Save your favorite tweets in an Evernote notebook
Automatically retweet the text of new tweets from a specific Twitter account
Tweet your new Tumblr posts
Autopost from Facebook Page to Twitter
RSS to Twitter
Post your Instagram videos to Twitter
tweet my instagram video
Tweet Happy New Year!
Post a quick tweet
Timed Daily Tweet
Automatically send a Tweet to thank new Twitter followers
Share links to your Tweets automatically on a Facebook Page you manage
Share your new WordPress posts to Twitter with an image
Twitter Mentions
Every day at same time, post an automatic tweet
Get an email when there's a new tweet from a specific username
New Tweet/Pic from Twitter goes to your Facebook Page.
Share videos you like on YouTube to Twitter
Share new Facebook image uploads to Twitter
Get a notification every time a @username you pick tweets
Post Tumblr photo posts to Twitter
Share Facebook Page updates on Twitter
When you post an image to a public Pinterest board automatically share it on Twitter
Tweet NASA's picture of the day
Recurring Tweets
Share Face book post on tweeter
Automatically send a tweet when the season changes on Mars
Twitter to Buffer
Blogger to Twitter
Twitter to WordPress
Share the same links you post on Twitter on Tumblr
If Twitter #HASHTAG, Then IF Notification.
Save the Tweets you like on Twitter to a Google Spreadsheet
half hour tweet
Track #hashtag mentions in a Google Spreadsheet
Track New Followers in Spreadsheet
Auto Welcome
Twitter to Bitly
Twitter to Diigo
Twitter to Dropbox
Twitter to Instapaper