Alexa announces missed calls
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular Alexa Actions by mkZense workflows and automations
send IFTTTrigger-2 action to your Alexa device
Calendar based Azaan routine on Alexa
If temperature rises above 32°F, then send IFTTTrigger-Temp-AboveFrz action to your Alexa device
Smart Lock and Voice Control
Campainha Cozinha
If Dining Off, then send IFTTTrigger action to your Alexa device
say "Ok Google, activer la machine à café", then send IFTTTriggercaf action to your Alexa device
If New motion is detected by Camera: Living room, ask Alexa to play your Sparks playlist.
Useful Alexa Actions by mkZense and Botslab (Asia) integrations
Triggers (If this)
Human Motion Detected
This triggers fires every time the camera detects a motion.
Motion is detected
This triggers fires every time the camera detects frame change.
Doorbell rings
This trigger fires every time the doorbell detects doorbell ringing.
Someone is detected passing by the door
This trigger fires every time the doorbell detects people passing by the door.
Doorbell is forcibly removed
This trigger fires every time the doorbell detects that it has been forcibly removed.
Someone is detected lingering at the door
This trigger fires every time the doorbell detects someone staying at the door.

Human Motion Detected
This triggers fires every time the camera detects a motion.

Motion is detected
This triggers fires every time the camera detects frame change.

Doorbell rings
This trigger fires every time the doorbell detects doorbell ringing.

Someone is detected passing by the door
This trigger fires every time the doorbell detects people passing by the door.

Doorbell is forcibly removed
This trigger fires every time the doorbell detects that it has been forcibly removed.

Someone is detected lingering at the door
This trigger fires every time the doorbell detects someone staying at the door.
IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together