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Other popular Alexa Actions by mkZense workflows and automations
If temperature rises above 32°F, then send IFTTTrigger-Temp-AboveFrz action to your Alexa device
Smart Lock and Voice Control
Trigger Alexa at Time If Hue On
say "Ok Google, activer la machine à café", then send IFTTTriggercaf action to your Alexa device
If Garage Door is closed, then send IFTTTrigger-2 action to your Alexa device
Fasting time routine on Alexa from mkZense
If Notification received from aPagerPRO, then send IFTTTrigger-1 action to your Alexa device
Useful Alexa Actions by mkZense and Arattai integrations
IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together