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Useful Birds & Bloom and Airzone Cloud integrations
Triggers (If this)
Zone On
This trigger fires when the Airzone AC unit turns on.
New post from Birds & Bloom in "Birding"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from Birds & Bloom in "Birding"
Zone Off
This trigger fires when the Airzone AC unit turns off.
New post from Birds & Bloom in "Gardening"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from Birds & Bloom in "Gardening"
Temperature rises above threshold
This trigger fires when the zone temperature rises above a given threshold.
New post from Birds & Bloom in "Backyard Projects"
This trigger fires whenever there is a new post from Birds & Bloom in "Backyard Projects"
Temperature drops below threshold
This trigger fires when the zone temperature drops below a given threshold.
Humidity drops below threshold
This trigger fires when zone humidity drops below a given threshold.
Humidity rises above threshold
This trigger fires when zone humidity rises above a given threshold.
Zone demand state change
This trigger fires when zone changes demand for air.
Zone air quality change
This trigger fires when a zone's air quality changes.
Queries (With)
Device status
Get device status
Actions (Then that)
Change zone mode
This action will change the operation mode in the Airzone unit.
Turn off zone
This action will power off the zone.
Turn on zone
This action will power on the Airzone zone.
Change zone temperature
This action will change the Airzone zone's temperature. Note: if zone is off, it is turned on.
Execute Scene
This action will execute specified scene
Change zone fan speed
This action will change zone's fan speed.
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