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RATOC Remocon
Android Device
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Other popular RATOC Remocon workflows and automations
Turn on lights every evening
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Turn on A/C when temperature rises above threshold
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Turn on A/C when humidity rises above threshold
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Turn on A/C when I arrive home
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Close the curtain every night
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Turn lights on when I enter a location
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Turn off lights when I leave the area
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Turn off equipment when I leave home
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Useful RATOC Remocon and Android Device integrations
Triggers (If this)
Notification received
This trigger fires every time any new notification is received on your Android device. NOTE: will not fire for IFTTT app notifications.
リモコン温度 (℃)
リモコンの温度が基準温度よりも暑い・寒いをトリガーとして、または、温度に関係なく特定間隔で連続して、リモコンセンサー値(温度・湿度・照度)を取得する。 ※特定間隔(時間間隔は保証されません。1分~15分、最長で2時間になる場合もあり)
Notification received from a specific app
This trigger fires every time a new notification is received on your Android device from an app that you specify. NOTE: will not fire for IFTTT app notifications.
リモコン湿度 (%)
リモコンの湿度が基準湿度よりも高い・低いをトリガーとして、または、湿度に関係なく特定間隔※で連続して、リモコンセンサー値(温度・湿度・照度)を取得する。 ※特定間隔(時間間隔は保証されません。1分~15分、最長で2時間になる場合もあります。)
Connects to a Bluetooth device
This Trigger fires every time your Android device connects to a Bluetooth device.
リモコン明暗 (照度)
リモコンの明暗センサーでの明暗をトリガーとして、または、明暗に関係なく特定間隔※で連続して、リモコンセンサー値(温度・湿度・照度)を取得する。 ※特定間隔(時間間隔は保証されません。1分~15分、最長で2時間になる場合もあり)
Disconnects from a Bluetooth device
This Trigger fires every time your Android device disconnects from a Bluetooth device.
Connects to any WiFi network
This Trigger fires every time your Android device connects to any WiFi network.
Disconnects from any WiFi network
This Trigger fires every time your Android device disconnects from any WiFi network.
Connects or disconnects from any WiFi network
This Trigger fires every time your Android device connects or disconnects from any WiFi network.
Connects to a specific WiFi network
This Trigger fires every time your Android device connects to a WiFi network you specify.
Disconnects from a specific WiFi network
This Trigger fires every time your Android device disconnects from a WiFi network you specify.
Connects or disconnects from a specific WiFi network
This Trigger fires every time your Android device connects or disconnects from a WiFi network you specify.
Actions (Then that)
Update device wallpaper
This Action will update the wallpaper on your Android device from the image URL you specify.
Play a specific song
This Action will play a song you specify on your Android device. The music played depends on your device and setup. Depending on your version of Android, playback may not start automatically.
Play music
This Action will play music on your Android device. The music played depends on your device and setup. Depending on your version of Android, playback may not start automatically.
Launch Google Maps Navigation
This Action will launch Google Maps Navigation on your Android device and begin turn-by-turn guidance to the destination you specify.
指定した赤外線コマンドを機器に送信。【注意】このアクションは、メンテナンス用として残されているものです。将来予告なしに削除される予定です。 ご使用される場合は、お客様の自己責任でお使いください。 また、使用方法や設定値についてのご質問には回答できません。 サポート外であることを予めご了承ください。
Mute ringtone
This action will mute your Android device's ringtone. If your device is already muted, it will remain muted.
Set ringtone volume
This Action will set the ringtone volume of your Android device.
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