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AI Social Creator
and unlock powerful automations
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Other popular AI Social Creator workflows and automations
Use AI Social Creator to generate a new Tweet when there is a new post from The HUSTLE blog
HubSpot Strategy Blogs
Use AI to generate a new LinkedIn post when there is a new post from The HUSTLE blog
HubSpot Strategy Blogs
Use the AI social creator to add new "Birding" posts from Birds & Bloom to Twitter
Birds & Bloom
Post all Diversity, Equity & Inclusion stories from Forbes to Twitter
After I walk a dog, I take a photo and auto-write a social post and share to social media sites.
AI generated Facebook Page updates for your Blog posts
AI Social Creator
Generate a Twitter post for new articles from Craft Beer and Brewing
Beer & Brewing
Use AI to generate a tweet summary of all new articles from Daring Fireball
Daring Fireball
AI generated LinkedIn updates for your Blog posts
AI Social Creator
Useful AI Social Creator and iotics integrations
Triggers (If this)
When a Switch is Turned On
This trigger fires when the switch selected by the user is turned on
When a Switch is Turned Off
This trigger fires when the switch selected by the user is turned off
Queries (With)
Brainstorm social media updates for a blog post
This query returns a list of brainstormed social media posts promoting the content provided.
List all things
This query returns a list of all things
Generate a social media update for a blog post
This query returns a summary of the content provided, and generates a social media update that links to the post's URL.
Brainstorm social media updates on a topic
This query returns a list of ideas for a social media update on the provided topic.
Generate a social media update on a topic
This query returns a generated social media update on the provided topic.
Actions (Then that)
Turn on all devices
This action will turn on all the iotics device linked to your account
Turn off all devices
This action will turn off all iotics devices
Turn on a particular device
This action will turn on the selected iotics device
Turn off a particular device
This action will turn off the selected iotics device
Turn on a particular device switch
This action will allow user to select the iotics device and the particular switch of it to be turned on
Turn off a particular device switch
This action will allow user to select the particular switch to be turned off
Level control for particular fan
This action will help to control the fan level
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