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Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Airtable workflows and automations
Email me when a new record is created
Create a Blogger Post Database in Airtable
Keep track of your daily activity in Airtable
Automatically log new Airtable records to a spreadsheet
Airtable to Todoist
Update Airtable with every Jotform submission
Log Weight to Apple Health
Create a new record button
Useful Airtable and Cloud Intelligence integrations
Triggers (If this)
Aroma diffuser power switch is turned on or off
This trigger fires when your aroma diffuser is turned on or off.
New record created
This Trigger fires every time a new record is created in a table. You can optionally configure it to only fire when a record appears in a specific view.
Outlet power switch is turned on or off
This trigger fires when your outlet is turned on or off.
Light power switch is turned on or off
This trigger fires when your light is turned on or off.

Aroma diffuser power switch is turned on or off
This trigger fires when your aroma diffuser is turned on or off.

New record created
This Trigger fires every time a new record is created in a table. You can optionally configure it to only fire when a record appears in a specific view.

Outlet power switch is turned on or off
This trigger fires when your outlet is turned on or off.

Light power switch is turned on or off
This trigger fires when your light is turned on or off.
Queries (With)
History of outlet power switch state changes
This query returns a list of instances when the outlet state changed.
History of records created
This query returns a list of every time a new record is created in a table. You can optionally configure it to only fire when a record appears in a specific view.

History of outlet power switch state changes
This query returns a list of instances when the outlet state changed.

History of records created
This query returns a list of every time a new record is created in a table. You can optionally configure it to only fire when a record appears in a specific view.
Actions (Then that)
Toggle aroma diffuser power switch on or off
This action will turn on or off your aroma diffuser.
Create a new record
This Action will create a new record in a table of your choosing.
Toggle outlet power switch on or off
This action will turn on or off your outlet.
Toggle light power switch on or off
This action will turn on or off your light.
Change light brightness
This action will change the brightness of your light.
Change color temperature
This action will change the color temperature of your light.

Toggle aroma diffuser power switch on or off
This action will turn on or off your aroma diffuser.

Create a new record
This Action will create a new record in a table of your choosing.

Toggle outlet power switch on or off
This action will turn on or off your outlet.

Toggle light power switch on or off
This action will turn on or off your light.

Change light brightness
This action will change the brightness of your light.

Change color temperature
This action will change the color temperature of your light.
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