If New row added to, then Create record
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Other popular Airtable workflows and automations
Automatically create new Airtable records for new Google My Business reviews
Airtable & Slack
Sync new contacts to Airtable
Airtable to iOS meeting events
Send an email for every new Airtable record created
Update an Airtable Database with Defector Articles
Keep track of your daily activity in Airtable
Useful Airtable and iOS Contacts integrations
Triggers (If this)
Airtable and iOS Contacts resources

How to import Contacts from iPhone to iPhone (and Google to iPhone)
Click to learn how to import contacts from Google to iPhone.

Airtable vs. ClickUp: Which is best for small teams?
Trying to decide between Airtable vs Clickup? Read our guide on the features and automations both have to offer that can be quickly set up in IFTTT!

5 best project management tools for solopreneurs
Looking for a project management tool to rule your solo empire? Check out our recommendations for the best project management tools specifically for solopreneurs and learn how you can build helpful automations with IFTTT.
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