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Actions (Then that)
Other popular Akiflow workflows and automations
Automatically create task in Akiflow when you receive a new review on Google Business Profile
Automatically create a new task in Akiflow when there is a new Google Task created
Add new Evernote notes to Akiflow as tasks
Add new iOS Reminders to Akiflow as tasks
Automatically create tasks in Akiflow for new Google Forms responses
Add new Zoho emails to Akiflow as tasks
Add saved Spotify episodes to Akiflow as tasks
Create Akiflow tasks when a Google Calendar event with a specific phrase is created
Useful Akiflow and C&H Remote AC integrations
Actions (Then that)
Turn on/off the air conditioner
This ACTION will turn on/off the air conditioner.
Create Task
This action will create a new task in akiflow.
Set operating mode
This ACTION will set the air conditioner to the designated operating mode.
Set Fan speed
This ACTION sets the fan to the desired speed (Auto,Low, Medium, High).
Set Temperature
This ACTION will change the air conditioner temperature setpoint.
Turn on/off windSwingUD
This ACTION will turn on or off the up and down wind of the air conditioner
Turn on/off windSwingLR
This ACTION will turn on/off the left/right wind of the air conditioner
Turn on/off the ECO mode
This ACTION will turn on/off the ECO mode

Turn on/off the air conditioner
This ACTION will turn on/off the air conditioner.

Create Task
This action will create a new task in akiflow.

Set operating mode
This ACTION will set the air conditioner to the designated operating mode.

Set Fan speed
This ACTION sets the fan to the desired speed (Auto,Low, Medium, High).

Set Temperature
This ACTION will change the air conditioner temperature setpoint.

Turn on/off windSwingUD
This ACTION will turn on or off the up and down wind of the air conditioner

Turn on/off windSwingLR
This ACTION will turn on/off the left/right wind of the air conditioner

Turn on/off the ECO mode
This ACTION will turn on/off the ECO mode
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