Screenshot Android
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular Android Photos workflows and automations
Set new Screenshot as Wallpaper
Photo to Evernote
Get a digest of last week's photos on Sunday evening
Automatically back up new pictures you take on your Android device to OneDrive
Automatically back up your new Android photos to Dropbox
If new photo then move to Flickr, privately.
push screen short to Chrome
Save a dollar every time you take a photo!
Useful Android Photos and SmartHours™️ integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new photo
This Trigger fires every time a new photo is taken on your Android device.
OGE SmartHours price changes
This trigger fires when there is a price change.
New screenshot
This Trigger fires every time a new screenshot is taken on your Android device.
New photo taken in area
This Trigger fires every time a new photo is taken on your Android device in an area you specify.

Any new photo
This Trigger fires every time a new photo is taken on your Android device.

OGE SmartHours price changes
This trigger fires when there is a price change.

New screenshot
This Trigger fires every time a new screenshot is taken on your Android device.

New photo taken in area
This Trigger fires every time a new photo is taken on your Android device in an area you specify.
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