Back up my Android Photos to Dropbox
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Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Popular Android Photos and Dropbox workflows and automations
Automatically back up screenshots you take from your Android device to Dropbox
Automatically back up your new Android photos to Dropbox
Upload your screenshots to Dropbox
Useful Android Photos and Dropbox integrations
Triggers (If this)
New file in your folder
This Trigger fires every time any file is saved in the folder you specify. NOTE: will process up to 15 files per polling period.
Any new photo
This Trigger fires every time a new photo is taken on your Android device.
Any new shared file link
This trigger fires every time a shared link for a file is created. Note: doesn't include folders.
New screenshot
This Trigger fires every time a new screenshot is taken on your Android device.
New text file in your folder
This Trigger fires every time any text file is saved in the folder you specify. NOTE: will process up to 15 files per polling period.
New photo taken in area
This Trigger fires every time a new photo is taken on your Android device in an area you specify.
New photo in your folder
This Trigger fires every time a photo is saved in the folder you specify. NOTE: will process up to 15 photos per polling period.

New file in your folder
This Trigger fires every time any file is saved in the folder you specify. NOTE: will process up to 15 files per polling period.

Any new photo
This Trigger fires every time a new photo is taken on your Android device.

Any new shared file link
This trigger fires every time a shared link for a file is created. Note: doesn't include folders.

New screenshot
This Trigger fires every time a new screenshot is taken on your Android device.

New text file in your folder
This Trigger fires every time any text file is saved in the folder you specify. NOTE: will process up to 15 files per polling period.

New photo taken in area
This Trigger fires every time a new photo is taken on your Android device in an area you specify.

New photo in your folder
This Trigger fires every time a photo is saved in the folder you specify. NOTE: will process up to 15 photos per polling period.
Queries (With)
History of photos in your folder
This query returns a list of every time a photo is saved in the folder you specify. NOTE: will process up to 15 photos per polling period.
History of files in your folder
This query returns a list of every time any file is saved in the folder you specify. NOTE: will process up to 15 files per polling period.
History of text files in your folder
This query returns a list of every time any text file is saved in the folder you specify. NOTE: will process up to 15 files per polling period.
Find file by name
This query returns a list of files searched by name you specify.
File metadata
This query returns the metadata of a file.
List shared file links
This query returns all shared file links. Note: doesn't include folders.

History of photos in your folder
This query returns a list of every time a photo is saved in the folder you specify. NOTE: will process up to 15 photos per polling period.

History of files in your folder
This query returns a list of every time any file is saved in the folder you specify. NOTE: will process up to 15 files per polling period.

History of text files in your folder
This query returns a list of every time any text file is saved in the folder you specify. NOTE: will process up to 15 files per polling period.

Find file by name
This query returns a list of files searched by name you specify.

File metadata
This query returns the metadata of a file.

List shared file links
This query returns all shared file links. Note: doesn't include folders.
Actions (Then that)
Revoke shared link
This action will revoke the direct link to the file. Note: the file may still be accessible if there are shared links leading to any of the file parent folders.
Add file from URL
This Action will download a file at a given URL and add it to Dropbox at the path you specify. NOTE: 30 MB file size limit.
Move file or folder
This action will move a file or a folder to new location.
Create a text file
This Action will create a new text file at the path you specify.
Append to a text file
This Action will append to a text file as determined by the file name and folder path you specify. Once a file’s size reaches 2MB a new file will be created.

Revoke shared link
This action will revoke the direct link to the file. Note: the file may still be accessible if there are shared links leading to any of the file parent folders.

Add file from URL
This Action will download a file at a given URL and add it to Dropbox at the path you specify. NOTE: 30 MB file size limit.

Move file or folder
This action will move a file or a folder to new location.

Create a text file
This Action will create a new text file at the path you specify.

Append to a text file
This Action will append to a text file as determined by the file name and folder path you specify. Once a file’s size reaches 2MB a new file will be created.
Android Photos and Dropbox resources

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