Check schedules by watch
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Wear OS workflows and automations
When I get home send welcome notification to my watch
Missed calls to wear
/r/Moto360 Update AndroidWear
If sunset, then send a notification with time and temperature.
High UV Index Android Wear Alert
Notify prayer time on Wear OS
Water reminder
When you plug your phone in, get notified on your watch with the current charge percentage
Useful Wear OS and ThingaOS integrations
Triggers (If this)
When Leak Detected
This trigger fires whenever Water Leak is detected by ThingaOS supported Z-Wave sensor.
When Motion Detected
This trigger fires when motion detected by ThingaOS supported Z-Wave sensor.
When FetchIt Button is Pressed
This trigger fires when fetch-it button is pressed or long pressed.
Whenever Door/Window Opened or Closed
This trigger fires whenever door/window sensor is detected by ThingaOS supported Z-Wave sensor.

When Leak Detected
This trigger fires whenever Water Leak is detected by ThingaOS supported Z-Wave sensor.

When Motion Detected
This trigger fires when motion detected by ThingaOS supported Z-Wave sensor.

When FetchIt Button is Pressed
This trigger fires when fetch-it button is pressed or long pressed.

Whenever Door/Window Opened or Closed
This trigger fires whenever door/window sensor is detected by ThingaOS supported Z-Wave sensor.
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Turn On/Off device
This action will Turn On/Off a device that is available on ThingaOS.
Send a notification
This Action will send a notification to your Android Wear devices.
Activate Night Mode
The action will set Night Mode on ThigaOS devices like Light.
Turn On/Off Siren
This action will Turn On/Off Siren for the device in ThingaOS.

Turn On/Off device
This action will Turn On/Off a device that is available on ThingaOS.

Send a notification
This Action will send a notification to your Android Wear devices.

Activate Night Mode
The action will set Night Mode on ThigaOS devices like Light.

Turn On/Off Siren
This action will Turn On/Off Siren for the device in ThingaOS.
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