Election Day breaking news
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Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
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Useful Ballotpedia and Giphy integrations
Triggers (If this)
New trending GIF
This Trigger fires every time a new GIF on GIPHY is trending.
Breaking News
This trigger fires when Ballotpedia covers new Breaking News.
New GIF based on keyword
This Trigger fires every time a new GIF on GIPHY matches a search query you specify.
New random GIF based on keyword
This Trigger fires every time a new random GIF on GIPHY matches a search query you specify.

New trending GIF
This Trigger fires every time a new GIF on GIPHY is trending.

Breaking News
This trigger fires when Ballotpedia covers new Breaking News.

New GIF based on keyword
This Trigger fires every time a new GIF on GIPHY matches a search query you specify.

New random GIF based on keyword
This Trigger fires every time a new random GIF on GIPHY matches a search query you specify.
Queries (With)
History of trending GIF
This query returns a list of recent GIF on GIPHY is trending.
History of Breaking News
This query returns a list of when Ballotpedia covered new Breaking News.
History of GIF based on keyword
This query returns a list of recent GIF on GIPHY matches a search query you specify.
History of random GIF based on keyword
This query returns a list of recent random GIF on GIPHY matches a search query you specify.

History of trending GIF
This query returns a list of recent GIF on GIPHY is trending.

History of Breaking News
This query returns a list of when Ballotpedia covered new Breaking News.

History of GIF based on keyword
This query returns a list of recent GIF on GIPHY matches a search query you specify.

History of random GIF based on keyword
This query returns a list of recent random GIF on GIPHY matches a search query you specify.
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