Start today
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Other popular Giphy workflows and automations
My New Gifs
If new #chen, then save later for SEooo
Search for ________ GIFs and automatically post in a Slack channel
if trendig gif then public bitmark
Gifs to TUmblr
If New trending GIF, then Create a photo post on your Blogger blog
Science and Personal
New Travel GIFs to FB page
Useful Giphy and iOS Reading List integrations
Triggers (If this)
New trending GIF
This Trigger fires every time a new GIF on GIPHY is trending.
New GIF based on keyword
This Trigger fires every time a new GIF on GIPHY matches a search query you specify.
New random GIF based on keyword
This Trigger fires every time a new random GIF on GIPHY matches a search query you specify.

New trending GIF
This Trigger fires every time a new GIF on GIPHY is trending.

New GIF based on keyword
This Trigger fires every time a new GIF on GIPHY matches a search query you specify.

New random GIF based on keyword
This Trigger fires every time a new random GIF on GIPHY matches a search query you specify.
Queries (With)
History of trending GIF
This query returns a list of recent GIF on GIPHY is trending.
History of GIF based on keyword
This query returns a list of recent GIF on GIPHY matches a search query you specify.
History of random GIF based on keyword
This query returns a list of recent random GIF on GIPHY matches a search query you specify.

History of trending GIF
This query returns a list of recent GIF on GIPHY is trending.

History of GIF based on keyword
This query returns a list of recent GIF on GIPHY matches a search query you specify.

History of random GIF based on keyword
This query returns a list of recent random GIF on GIPHY matches a search query you specify.
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