Election Day breaking news
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Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Other popular Ballotpedia workflows and automations
Useful Ballotpedia and U-tec Ultraloq Smart Lock integrations
Triggers (If this)
Lock is unlocked
This trigger fires when lock is unlocked
Breaking News
This trigger fires when Ballotpedia covers new Breaking News.
Lock is locked
This trigger fires when lock is locked
Lock unlocked by specific person
This Trigger fires every time your lock is unlocked by a specific person.
Lock is locked by specific person
This Trigger fires every time your lock is locked by a specific person.

Lock is unlocked
This trigger fires when lock is unlocked

Breaking News
This trigger fires when Ballotpedia covers new Breaking News.

Lock is locked
This trigger fires when lock is locked

Lock unlocked by specific person
This Trigger fires every time your lock is unlocked by a specific person.

Lock is locked by specific person
This Trigger fires every time your lock is locked by a specific person.
Queries (With)
History of lock being unlocked
This query returns a list of when the lock was unlocked.
History of Breaking News
This query returns a list of when Ballotpedia covered new Breaking News.
History of lock unlocks by specific person
This query returns a list of when your lock was unlocked by a specific person.

History of lock being unlocked
This query returns a list of when the lock was unlocked.

History of Breaking News
This query returns a list of when Ballotpedia covered new Breaking News.

History of lock unlocks by specific person
This query returns a list of when your lock was unlocked by a specific person.
Actions (Then that)
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