If New reminder added to Tasks, then create a new task
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular ClickUp workflows and automations
Create ClickUp tasks for new events created in Eventbrite
Add new Google Tasks items to ClickUp
Automatically create tasks in ClickUp for new Google My Business reviews
Add tagged notes on Evernote as tasks in ClickUp
todoist to clickup
Create new ClickUp tasks from Jira issues
Create ClickUp tasks for new appointments in Acuity Scheduling
Create ClickUp tasks for new submissions in Jotform
Useful ClickUp and Fanimation integrations
Triggers (If this)
Your fan is being turned on
If users switch on the fan would trigger this event
Task created
This trigger fires when a new task has been created.
Your fan is being turned off
If users switch off the fan would trigger this event
Task updated
This trigger fires when a task is updated.
Your light is being turned on
If users switch on the light would trigger this event
Your light is being turned off
If users switch off the light would trigger this event

Your fan is being turned on
If users switch on the fan would trigger this event

Task created
This trigger fires when a new task has been created.

Your fan is being turned off
If users switch off the fan would trigger this event

Task updated
This trigger fires when a task is updated.

Your light is being turned on
If users switch on the light would trigger this event

Your light is being turned off
If users switch off the light would trigger this event
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Set light percentage
This action will adjust the percentage parameter of light.
Post a task comment
This action will post a comment on a task.
Turn a device on or off
This action will turn on/off a device
Create task
This action will create a new task.
Set fan percentage
This action will adjust the percentage parameter of fan.
Update task
This action will update a task.

Set light percentage
This action will adjust the percentage parameter of light.

Post a task comment
This action will post a comment on a task.

Turn a device on or off
This action will turn on/off a device

Create task
This action will create a new task.

Set fan percentage
This action will adjust the percentage parameter of fan.

Update task
This action will update a task.
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