If New reminder added to Tasks, then create a new task
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular ClickUp workflows and automations
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Useful ClickUp and nVent Nuheat Signature Thermostat integrations
Triggers (If this)
Thermostat set to Heat
This trigger fires every time the thermostat is set to heat.
Task created
This trigger fires when a new task has been created.
Thermostat set to Away
This trigger fires every time the thermostat is set to away.
Task updated
This trigger fires when a task is updated.
Temperature rises above
This trigger fires when the temperature rises above a set threshold
Temperature falls below
This trigger fires when the temperature falls below a set threshold
When thermostat goes offline
This trigger fires when a thermostat goes offline
When thermostat comes online
This trigger fires when the thermostat comes online

Thermostat set to Heat
This trigger fires every time the thermostat is set to heat.

Task created
This trigger fires when a new task has been created.

Thermostat set to Away
This trigger fires every time the thermostat is set to away.

Task updated
This trigger fires when a task is updated.

Temperature rises above
This trigger fires when the temperature rises above a set threshold

Temperature falls below
This trigger fires when the temperature falls below a set threshold

When thermostat goes offline
This trigger fires when a thermostat goes offline

When thermostat comes online
This trigger fires when the thermostat comes online
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Set temperature
This action will set the thermostat temperature
Post a task comment
This action will post a comment on a task.
Set thermostat mode
This action will set the thermostat mode.
Create task
This action will create a new task.
Set group mode
This action will set a thermostat group mode
Update task
This action will update a task.
Set schedule mode
This action will set the schedule mode for the thermostat
Increase setpoint temperature
This action will increase the setpoint temperature
Decrease setpoint temperature
This action will decrease the setpoint temperature

Set temperature
This action will set the thermostat temperature

Post a task comment
This action will post a comment on a task.

Set thermostat mode
This action will set the thermostat mode.

Create task
This action will create a new task.

Set group mode
This action will set a thermostat group mode

Update task
This action will update a task.

Set schedule mode
This action will set the schedule mode for the thermostat

Increase setpoint temperature
This action will increase the setpoint temperature

Decrease setpoint temperature
This action will decrease the setpoint temperature
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