if a clickup task is created , a task is created in Microsoft To Do
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular ClickUp workflows and automations
Create ClickUp tasks for new appointments in Acuity Scheduling
Status of a task is updatedby
Add tagged notes on Evernote as tasks in ClickUp
Quickly add new tasks in ClickUp by sending an email
Busy Weekend Adventures
Add new ClickUp tasks to a Google Sheets spreadsheet
Add tasks to ClickUp for events starting soon in Google Calendar
Create ClickUp tasks from new Trello cards assigned to you
Useful ClickUp and Tecan Connect integrations
Triggers (If this)
Estimated End Time Overshoot
This trigger fires actions when the estimated end time of a method running on the selected Tecan Instrument overshoots 20% of the initially estimated end time
Task created
This trigger fires when a new task has been created.
Instrument State Change
This trigger fires actions when the selected Tecan Instrument's state changes to Idle, Running, Paused, Error, User Interaction Required, Software Not Running, Not Connected and Stopped
Task updated
This trigger fires when a task is updated.
Custom Message
This trigger fires actions when there is a new Custom messages like Info, Error, Warning and Comment from the selected Tecan Instrument
Run Completion Message
This trigger fires actions when a Run on the selected Tecan Instrument is completed

Estimated End Time Overshoot
This trigger fires actions when the estimated end time of a method running on the selected Tecan Instrument overshoots 20% of the initially estimated end time

Task created
This trigger fires when a new task has been created.

Instrument State Change
This trigger fires actions when the selected Tecan Instrument's state changes to Idle, Running, Paused, Error, User Interaction Required, Software Not Running, Not Connected and Stopped

Task updated
This trigger fires when a task is updated.

Custom Message
This trigger fires actions when there is a new Custom messages like Info, Error, Warning and Comment from the selected Tecan Instrument

Run Completion Message
This trigger fires actions when a Run on the selected Tecan Instrument is completed
Queries (With)
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