Quickly log your weight with a note widget
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular Note widget workflows and automations
Generate a draft blog post for a topic
Change the color of your lights
Append ideas to a weekly digest email for yourself
Quickly create events in a Google Calendar
Use a note widget to place a "Do Not Disturb" event on your calendar at the time that you type
Quickly log your sleep
Quickly create a note
Quickly add songs to a Spotify playlist
Useful Note widget and Nexia integrations
Triggers (If this)
Nexia automation runs
This trigger fires when a Nexia automation runs.
Any new note
This trigger fires every time you submit any new note.
Lock is locked
This trigger fires when your lock is locked.
Lock is unlocked
This trigger fires when your lock is unlocked.
Door opens
This trigger fires when your door opens.
Door closes
This trigger fires when your door closes.
Camera detects motion
This trigger fires when a camera detects motion.
Motion sensor detects motion
This trigger fires when your motion sensor detects motion.

Nexia automation runs
This trigger fires when a Nexia automation runs.

Any new note
This trigger fires every time you submit any new note.

Lock is locked
This trigger fires when your lock is locked.

Lock is unlocked
This trigger fires when your lock is unlocked.

Door opens
This trigger fires when your door opens.

Door closes
This trigger fires when your door closes.

Camera detects motion
This trigger fires when a camera detects motion.

Motion sensor detects motion
This trigger fires when your motion sensor detects motion.
Queries (With)
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