evernote calendar
Start today
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Evernote workflows and automations
Quickly create a note
Archive new posts to an Evernote notebook
Add to a note in Evernote
Evernote To Do from email
Save your iPhone screenshots to an Evernote notebook
YT to Evernote
Upload Android screenshots to an Evernote notebook
Back up your Facebook status updates to Evernote
Useful Evernote and LinkedIn integrations
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Create a note
This Action will create a new note in the notebook you specify.
Share an update
This action will share a text update on your LinkedIn profile.
Append to note
This Action will append to a note as determined by its title and notebook. Once a note’s size reaches 2MB a new note will be created.
Share a link
This action will share a link on your LinkedIn profile.
Append a to-do to note
This Action will append a to-do checkbox to a note as determined by its title and notebook. Once a note’s size reaches 2MB a new note will be created.
Share an update with image
This action will share an update with an image on your LinkedIn profile.
Create a link note
This Action will create a new link note from a source URL in the notebook you specify.
Share an update with video
This action will share an update with a video on your LinkedIn profile.
Create image note from URL
This Action will create a new note with an image attachment in the notebook you specify.
Create an audio note from URL
This Action will create a new note with an audio attachment in the notebook you specify.

Create a note
This Action will create a new note in the notebook you specify.

Share an update
This action will share a text update on your LinkedIn profile.

Append to note
This Action will append to a note as determined by its title and notebook. Once a note’s size reaches 2MB a new note will be created.

Share a link
This action will share a link on your LinkedIn profile.

Append a to-do to note
This Action will append a to-do checkbox to a note as determined by its title and notebook. Once a note’s size reaches 2MB a new note will be created.

Share an update with image
This action will share an update with an image on your LinkedIn profile.

Create a link note
This Action will create a new link note from a source URL in the notebook you specify.

Share an update with video
This action will share an update with a video on your LinkedIn profile.

Create image note from URL
This Action will create a new note with an image attachment in the notebook you specify.

Create an audio note from URL
This Action will create a new note with an audio attachment in the notebook you specify.
Evernote and LinkedIn resources

3 best RSS Readers
There are several RSS readers available, but in this blog, we will introduce you to the 3 on the market - Feedly, Newsblur, and Inoreader. These three also can integrate with over 900 other digital tools with IFTTT.

Most popular social media automations 2025
Using our most popular social media Applets, you can leverage the power and flexibility of your favorite social platforms. This can reduce the time you spend doing manual, repetitive tasks, make social media more accessible, and allow yo...

Automate your livestream with Flutin
The livestreaming platform, Flutin, is now on IFTTT! Automate your livestream and widen your audience with IFTTT.
IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together