Sync New Photo Uploads From Facebook Profile To Fan Page...
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Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Facebook Pages workflows and automations
Post RSS Feed Items to Facebook
Twitter to Facebook Page
Facebook page to LinkedIn company page
Autopost from Facebook Page to Twitter
Facebook Page Posts go to Google+ via Buffer
Blogger to FB Page
Post Photos from Facebook Page to Tumblr
Automatically Create Facebook page posts when you get new Google My Business reviews
Useful Facebook Pages and TRIGGERcmd integrations
Triggers (If this)
New status message on page
This Trigger fires every time you create a new status message on your Facebook Page.
Any command
This trigger fires when any command runs
New status message with hashtag on page
This Trigger fires every time you create a new status message with a specific hashtag on your Facebook Page.
Specific command
This trigger files when a command you choose is triggered.
New link post on page
This Trigger fires every time you create a new link post on your Facebook Page.
New link post with hashtag on page
This Trigger fires every time you create a new link post with a specific hashtag on your Facebook Page.
New photo upload on page
This Trigger fires every time you upload a new photo on your Facebook Page.
New photo upload with hashtag on page
This Trigger fires every time you upload a new photo with a specific hashtag on your Facebook Page.

New status message on page
This Trigger fires every time you create a new status message on your Facebook Page.

Any command
This trigger fires when any command runs

New status message with hashtag on page
This Trigger fires every time you create a new status message with a specific hashtag on your Facebook Page.

Specific command
This trigger files when a command you choose is triggered.

New link post on page
This Trigger fires every time you create a new link post on your Facebook Page.

New link post with hashtag on page
This Trigger fires every time you create a new link post with a specific hashtag on your Facebook Page.

New photo upload on page
This Trigger fires every time you upload a new photo on your Facebook Page.

New photo upload with hashtag on page
This Trigger fires every time you upload a new photo with a specific hashtag on your Facebook Page.
Actions (Then that)
Create a status message
This Action will create a new plain text status message on your Facebook Page.
Trigger Command
This action will run a command on your computer.
Create a link post
This Action will create a new link post on your Facebook Page wall.
Upload a photo from URL
This Action will upload a new photo, from the given URL, to a Facebook Page album you specify.

Create a status message
This Action will create a new plain text status message on your Facebook Page.

Trigger Command
This action will run a command on your computer.

Create a link post
This Action will create a new link post on your Facebook Page wall.

Upload a photo from URL
This Action will upload a new photo, from the given URL, to a Facebook Page album you specify.
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