rss to facebook page
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Triggers (If this)
Other popular RSS Feed workflows and automations
RSS to Bitly
RSS to Instapaper
Send new Feed items to a Telegram chat
RSS To OneDrive
RSSFeeds to Newsblur
Post RSS Feed Items to Facebook
RSS To Gdrive
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Useful RSS Feed and TRIGGERcmd integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any command
This trigger fires when any command runs
New feed item
This Trigger fires every time a new item is added to the feed you specify.
Specific command
This trigger files when a command you choose is triggered.
New feed item matches
This Trigger fires every time a new item in the feed you specify contains a particular keyword or simple phrase.

Any command
This trigger fires when any command runs

New feed item
This Trigger fires every time a new item is added to the feed you specify.

Specific command
This trigger files when a command you choose is triggered.

New feed item matches
This Trigger fires every time a new item in the feed you specify contains a particular keyword or simple phrase.
Actions (Then that)
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