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Quickly connect FL-1000 Leak Detector to Updraft
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FL-1000 Leak Detector
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Other popular FL-1000 Leak Detector workflows and automations
Button - Reset Leak Sensor, Open Valve and receive IFTTT push notification
FL-1000 Leak Detector
DLink Water Sensor trigger FL-1000 Close Valve and Leak Alarm
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Close HOT - Turn off hot water one
FL-1000 Leak Detector
Auto Mode - Button
FL-1000 Leak Detector
iHome iSB02 POL sensor 1 to SafeHous Sensor Valve Close
FL-1000 Leak Detector
Useful FL-1000 Leak Detector and Updraft integrations
Triggers (If this)
Signal Identifies Downtrend
This trigger fires whenever an Updraft stock trading algorithm identifies a downtrend in its stock's price.
Leak Detected
This trigger fires whenever a leak is detected
Signal Trigger
This trigger fires whenever an Updraft stock trading algorithm identifies an uptrend or downtrend in its stock's price.
Dry Pipe Detected
This trigger fires whenever the controller detects the pipe is dry.
Signal Identifies Uptrend
This trigger fires whenever an Updraft stock trading algorithm identifies an uptrend in its stock's price
Freeze Detected
This trigger fires whenever the freeze setpoint is hit.
Actions (Then that)
Reset Alarms
This action will reset the alarm state on the controller
Trip Leak Alarm
This action will trip the leak alarm on the leak detector.
Change Schedule Mode
This action will allow you to change the schedule mode on the leak detector.
Set Valve State
This action will allow you to manually open and close the valve on the leak detector.
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