When you upload a new public photo, post to a Slack channel
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Triggers (If this)
Other popular Flickr workflows and automations
Blogger to Flickr
Google Plus Photo to Flickr
Upload photo to Flickr
Any new video from Instagram gets uploaded to Flickr
Upload pictures from Dropbox folder to Flickr
Track new Flickr photos on your Welltory Dashboard
FB page photo upload to flickr
Useful Flickr and Home Connect Wine Cooler integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new public photo
This Trigger fires every time you upload a new public photo to your Flickr photostream.
Wine cooler door opened
This trigger fires every time your wine cooler door has been opened.
New public photo tagged
This Trigger fires every time you upload a new public photo to your Flickr photostream with the tag you specify.
Wine cooler door open too long
This trigger fires every time your wine cooler's door was left open too long.
New public photos
This Trigger fires once new photos are detected in your Flickr photostream. It uses a 5 minute delay to identify batch uploads.
Any new set
This Trigger fires every time you create a new photoset on Flickr.
New public favorite
This Trigger fires every time you favorite a public photo on Flickr.

Any new public photo
This Trigger fires every time you upload a new public photo to your Flickr photostream.

Wine cooler door opened
This trigger fires every time your wine cooler door has been opened.

New public photo tagged
This Trigger fires every time you upload a new public photo to your Flickr photostream with the tag you specify.

Wine cooler door open too long
This trigger fires every time your wine cooler's door was left open too long.

New public photos
This Trigger fires once new photos are detected in your Flickr photostream. It uses a 5 minute delay to identify batch uploads.

Any new set
This Trigger fires every time you create a new photoset on Flickr.

New public favorite
This Trigger fires every time you favorite a public photo on Flickr.
Queries (With)
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