When you upload a new public photo, post to a Slack channel
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Flickr workflows and automations
Download Flickr Favorites to Dropbox
When you upload a photo to Flickr, post it to Tumblr
Send facebook tagged photos to flikr
Twitter to Flickr
FBPage to Flickr
Upload photo to Flickr
Upload all iOS photos to Flickr
Share new Instagram posts to Flickr when you use a specific hashtag
Useful Flickr and TP-Link Router integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new public photo
This Trigger fires every time you upload a new public photo to your Flickr photostream.
Device Connects
This trigger fires every time a previously-connected device connects to your TP-Link router.
New public photo tagged
This Trigger fires every time you upload a new public photo to your Flickr photostream with the tag you specify.
Device Disconnects
This trigger fires every time a previously-connected device disconnects from your TP-Link router.
New public photos
This Trigger fires once new photos are detected in your Flickr photostream. It uses a 5 minute delay to identify batch uploads.
New Device Connects
This trigger fires every time a new device connects to your TP-Link router.
Any new set
This Trigger fires every time you create a new photoset on Flickr.
New public favorite
This Trigger fires every time you favorite a public photo on Flickr.

Any new public photo
This Trigger fires every time you upload a new public photo to your Flickr photostream.

Device Connects
This trigger fires every time a previously-connected device connects to your TP-Link router.

New public photo tagged
This Trigger fires every time you upload a new public photo to your Flickr photostream with the tag you specify.

Device Disconnects
This trigger fires every time a previously-connected device disconnects from your TP-Link router.

New public photos
This Trigger fires once new photos are detected in your Flickr photostream. It uses a 5 minute delay to identify batch uploads.

New Device Connects
This trigger fires every time a new device connects to your TP-Link router.

Any new set
This Trigger fires every time you create a new photoset on Flickr.

New public favorite
This Trigger fires every time you favorite a public photo on Flickr.
Queries (With)
History of device disconnects
This query returns a list of when a previously-connected device disconnects from your TP-Link router.
History of device connects
This query returns a list of when a previously-connected device connects to your TP-Link router.
History of Device Connections
This query returns a list of every time a new device connects to your TP-Link router.

History of device disconnects
This query returns a list of when a previously-connected device disconnects from your TP-Link router.

History of device connects
This query returns a list of when a previously-connected device connects to your TP-Link router.

History of Device Connections
This query returns a list of every time a new device connects to your TP-Link router.
Actions (Then that)
Prioritize Device
This action will prioritize a device connected to your TP-Link router for a specified duration (1 hour by default).
Upload public photo from URL
This Action will upload a new public photo, from a given URL to an image, to your Flickr photostream.
Activate Shortcut
This action will activate a shortcut you've created on Deco M9 Plus for smart home devices to perform actions.
Prioritize Online Activity
This action will prioritize a certain type of online activity on your network, maintaining a fast connection of what's important.

Prioritize Device
This action will prioritize a device connected to your TP-Link router for a specified duration (1 hour by default).

Upload public photo from URL
This Action will upload a new public photo, from a given URL to an image, to your Flickr photostream.

Activate Shortcut
This action will activate a shortcut you've created on Deco M9 Plus for smart home devices to perform actions.

Prioritize Online Activity
This action will prioritize a certain type of online activity on your network, maintaining a fast connection of what's important.
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