Evernote to Drive
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Triggers (If this)
Other popular Google Docs workflows and automations
Log extreme temperature values to Google Drive
Keep track of a stock's price at close in a Google spreadsheet
Save all your liked (favorited) tweets to a Google Doc
Send Pocket articles to Google Drive (and create new docs)
SMS history
When files are added into a specific Dropbox folder they will be copied into your Google Drive
Twitter to Google Drive
Wordpress Backup to Google Drive
Useful Google Docs and Wink: Spotter integrations
Triggers (If this)
Temperature rises above
This Trigger fires every time the temperature measured by your Spotter rises above the value you specify.
New document added
This trigger fires when a new document is added to a Google Drive folder. Note: only works for docs created after the Applet is turned on.
Temperature drops below
This Trigger fires every time the temperature measured by your Spotter drops below the value you specify.

Temperature rises above
This Trigger fires every time the temperature measured by your Spotter rises above the value you specify.

New document added
This trigger fires when a new document is added to a Google Drive folder. Note: only works for docs created after the Applet is turned on.

Temperature drops below
This Trigger fires every time the temperature measured by your Spotter drops below the value you specify.
Queries (With)
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